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Are you going to apply for a TLD?

Applications for “any established public or private organisation anywhere in the world” to create and operate its own gTLD open today (12th January 2012). So if we wanted, we could apply to own any URL that ends .napier (rather than using .com or It seems pretty inevitable that major consumer companies will decide to apply, even if they don’t see much value today, because they will want to ensure control over the TLD. But what about B2B technology brands?
My guess is that most won’t choose to apply. The costs are estimated in the hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, and realistically most companies seem pretty happy with their .com homes. But am I right? Or will B2B technology companies decide that their internet marketing demands a gTLD? I’d be interested to hear what your company is planning to do.
If you want some information about the process, there is a great overview of the new gTLDs on the Marketing Law website.

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