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Google Panda 4.0 rollout

Over the last few days, Google has been rolling out version 4.0 of the Panda algorithm. The Panda algorithm originally caused panic amongst some publishers back in 2011, and it’s pretty clear that the latest revision has made less of an impact than the original change – Google themselves say that the update will affect only about 7.5% of searches made in the English language.

The Panda algorithm aims to reward good quality and penalise sites with poor quality or low value content. Whilst this version doesn’t seem to have had a significant impact on B2B tech publications, it does show that there is still an appetite to identify content that isn’t “as good as other sites” and move that down the SERPs. This means that all sites, particularly online media, need to continue to focus on the generation of high quality, unique pages if they are to ensure they will continue to receive traffic in the long term.

If you’re interested in who benefitted from the change, check out Mashable’s article about the biggest winners and losers from the Panda 4.0 update.

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