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5 Top Digital Marketing Tactics for Future Success

Digital Marketing as a Fast and Easy Website Concept

It’s no secret that the digital age has changed the way B2B companies interact with their customers. With technology constantly evolving, tactics that once used to be revolutionary, like personalisation, are now expected from consumers, and companies are having to regularly rethink their digital strategy to ensure they are communicating with consumers effectively.

At Armitage, we understand how technology has evolved marketing, and what B2B companies need to do in order to interact with customers successfully. This is why we’ve pulled together 5 top tactics your digital marketing strategy should include, to ensure success for the future:

Original Video Content

Video marketing, especially within the B2B sector, has become a great tool for companies to introduce their solutions to consumers.

If you’re not already, targeting your customers with an interesting two- or three-minute video is a great way to provide them with valuable, bite size content. Your video needs to be engaging and you can do this through a variety of ways including:



Influencer Marketing

The word ‘influencer’ is commonly associated with the B2C world, with beauty bloggers more commonly coming to mind. This could explain why influencer marketing has been slow to gain momentum within the B2B tech sector; but the last year has seen a rise, with technology companies increasingly partnering with influencers to improve their credibility and social media reach.

As tech buyers become more desensitized to the marketing they see daily, influencer marketing provides companies with a fantastic opportunity to leverage influencers, who have built a loyal following and credibility within the industry, to market to decision makers.

In the first half of 2019, we’ve seen a clear increase in awareness about influencers, with both clients and potential clients requesting more information about influencer marketing and the benefits it can provide for them. If your looking to invest into influencer marketing, and want to know how Armitage can help you, get in touch!

Re-Targeting Current Clients

Often one of the biggest digital marketing tactics B2B companies overlook is retargeting current clients.

Usually, clients are only using/buying 20% of what your company offers. By including a re-nurturing plan in your marketing strategy that actively re-target’s current customers, you will be able to build a process that ensures your company is facilitating consistent retention, upsell and cross-sell of additional products, features and services.

Re-targeting can be implemented across a range of different digital platforms, with the most popular including Google Ads, AdRoll and LinkedIn.

SEO and Content

We all know content is king when it comes to SEO success. SEO sits at the heart of any digital marketing strategy and aligning your SEO to your content is vital in maintaining a strong presence online and driving leads to your website.

But how do you ensure that you’re not only writing content, which is highly ranked, but also quality content that is user-focused?

SEO can be complicated but the following three tips will ensure you are well on your way to achieving success:

Marketing Automation Tools

There’s no longer a way to escape marketing automation, as across the marketing world, companies are either looking to invest, beginning to implement or already have access to marketing automation tools.

A marketing automation tool such as HubSpot, provides a simple way for marketers to stay on top of contacting and nurturing leads. With sale cycles lasting weeks, months and even years within the B2B tech industry, marketing automation helps you stay top of mind, and market to your contacts on a regular and intelligent basis; and more importantly it isn’t time-consuming for either the marketing or sales team.

At the speed technology is changing, it’s clear to see that marketing automation is one tool marketers will not be able to ignore for much longer; as marketing automation platforms like HubSpot or Marketo will provide companies with the opportunity to interact with their customers more simply and successfully.

We hope these tactics help you when moving forward with your digital marketing strategy, and please get in touch today, if you have any questions, or require further assistance.

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