mbru-040swThe relaunch of E&E is a huge change of direction for the magazine. Why did publish industry believe this was needed?
Media use has changed dramatically the last view years. Workaday life is dominated by time pressure and new digital media formats compete with print. As a consequence, publishing houses are forced to reconsider their magazine concepts and to redefine their positioning. With the concept of a print-magazine that provides fascination as well as even high utility in combination with our new digital newsletter E&E WEEK containing all the product news and current market-information, publish-industry is well prepared for this change.

What has been the response to the new magazine and to E&Eweek from readers?
This is very encouraging and overwhelming: We just got positive and constructive feedback so far. Apparently with the new concept we did get exactly the point and reach our core target group. People mainly mentioned the fresh layout, independent editorial content and the interplay between print and the E&Eweek.

E&Eweek has only attracted a couple of advertisers so far. What do you think has prevented others from trying the new format?
After seven issues of E&Eweek I am absolutely convinced, that the positive feedback of our readers will lead to success in advertising. Especially in Germany it is very difficult to convince people of something new – and it is even harder in times of an economical downturn.

One criticism of E&Eweek is that although it looks great, there are no active hyperlinks in the PDF. Why is this?
We do have active links placed in the event overview, in advertisements and some referring to editorial content of the E&E print magazine.

Is there anything you plan to change about E&Eweek or E&E Faszination Elektronik, or anything you wish was done differently?
The huge positive feedback from electronic developers confirms that the new direction is the right way for E&E. We still have a lot of new ideas we will introduce within the next months. The same applies to the E&Eweek.

Doesn’t the new format E&E Faszination Elektronik demand more work by editors than “conventional” electronics magazines? How can you sustain this commitment?
If you want to achieve high quality it usually means a lot of work. This is also true for the E&E. But in this case it means also a lot of fun and the chance to create something new. It is a great challenge, but in a positive sense of meaning. I’m sure we will – in cooperation with our readers, our clients, our freelance authors and the whole E&E-team – create a really good magazine that is worth the effort.

What is the one thing you’d like to change about the way companies do PR in the electronics industry?
The companies are our partners – we need them to be successful. But with the different approach of the new E&E we need a new kind of cooperation which has to be much more bilateral than it has been before. The dialogue between the publisher, the client and the agency is essential for us and our new concept.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time, when you’re not writing about electronics?
I have a wife and two cats – they all keep me busy most of the time. And I am a musician for more than 20 years. I spent a lot of time in my little studio – which of course contains a lot of electronic stuff.

What’s your favourite gadget?
I bought a Netbook in January and I am so happy with it – it does a good job for business and private purposes.


  • Mike Maynard

    In 2001 Mike acquired Napier with Suzy Kenyon. Since that time he has directed major PR and marketing programmes for a wide range of technology clients. He is actively involved in developing the PR and marketing industries, and is Chair of the PRCA B2B Group, and lectures in PR at Southampton Solent University. Mike offers a unique blend of technical and marketing expertise, and was awarded a Masters Degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Surrey and an MBA from Kingston University.

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