I’m still not sure about Twitter. OK, so it’s great for following Lance Armstrong, but is it really a going to be a good business tool? SupplyFrame is definitely innovating, by providing a twitter interface to allow engineers to request data via twitter (@datasheeter). The service cleverly returns a TinyURL of the search results to whatever you send as a direct message.

Although a neat idea, I’m not certain of the benefits of twittering a search term and then clicking through to the results page, when the same objective would have been achieved by simply using the search box on the site. So far a number of people seem to have experimented with the service, but it will be interesting to see if SupplyFrame can enhance the service to make it really useful in the long term. Despite my reservations, I’m really impressed to see a publisher in our industry find a way to use Twitter creatively.


  • Mike Maynard

    In 2001 Mike acquired Napier with Suzy Kenyon. Since that time he has directed major PR and marketing programmes for a wide range of technology clients. He is actively involved in developing the PR and marketing industries, and is Chair of the PRCA B2B Group, and lectures in PR at Southampton Solent University. Mike offers a unique blend of technical and marketing expertise, and was awarded a Masters Degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Surrey and an MBA from Kingston University.

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