Hearst has introduced Lighting Developer, which builds on the existing Embedded Developer site infrastructure to create a platform for solid state lighting (SSL) components. Whilst Digi-Key are a prominent supporter of Embedded Developer, they effectively own Lighting Developer. The launch press release says:

The site, www.lightingdeveloper.com, is designed to help SSL engineers quickly find LEDs, Optics, Drivers and Tools that work together in a complete application solution. Digi-Key will be the anchor sponsor complemented by additional sponsorship from SSL suppliers on Digi-Key’s line card…
…The search can start with a reference design, and subsequent search engines for LEDs, Optics, Drivers and Tools in the design chain are each linked to each other, a Bill of Materials, and finally to the Digi-Key shopping cart for fulfillment.

So this Heast publication will only cover products that are supplied by Digi-Key, and furthermore will route you to Digi-Key to buy the devices.
I’m pleased to see that the site makes the nature of the partnership with Digi-Key clear on the home page – there is no pretence of any independent journalism. It is, however, a worrying development as the site is branded a Hearst site and not Digi-Key. I worry that engineers will end up using media channels that only cover products offered by a particular vendor, which will inevitably limit their creativity.I’m also concerned that other distributors might launch similar ventures with less openness and honesty.
Lighting Developer – like its sister site Embedded Developer – is going to make the return on investment very clear to Digi-Key, as users are routed to Digi-Key’s site to purchase components. I’ll be interested to see whether any publisher can create a site that offers several alternative sources for purchase, running on a commission based upon sales generated, rather than charging for advertising.
Despite my concerns, I don’t think that it’s wrong for publishers to produce websites for a particular company: custom publishing of magazines has long been a source of significant revenue for many publishers. In the long term, however, I really hope high-quality independent media that prosper, rather than sites that are built purely to promote a specific company.


  • Mike Maynard

    In 2001 Mike acquired Napier with Suzy Kenyon. Since that time he has directed major PR and marketing programmes for a wide range of technology clients. He is actively involved in developing the PR and marketing industries, and is Chair of the PRCA B2B Group, and lectures in PR at Southampton Solent University. Mike offers a unique blend of technical and marketing expertise, and was awarded a Masters Degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Surrey and an MBA from Kingston University.

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