I attended UBM’s presentation of the most recent Mind of the Engineer study and was tweeting throughout the event. Here are the main points (in the usual twitter reverse chronological order):

@Mike_Maynard: We don’t know how effective diff content types are – should webinars be 50 mins? Are all types working? #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Even senior engineers need to learn new things – new techs, plus tech that company just about to adopt #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Obviously print much less important for all engineers when in problem solving mode #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Google is not a design tool for engineers because of language and SEO issues #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Discoverability is big challenge when marketing to engineers because circuit diagram isn’t SEO-friendly #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: We need the equivalent of the Kahn Academy for engineers #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: You must allow criticism on forum and community to get credibility #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Not sure how many communities engineers would join, but UBM has 10 and not hit a ceiling #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Education, training biggest opportunity for suppliers #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Suppliers must admit if there is a problem #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Engineers still attend events but expect information training and technical people Manning booth #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Mobile devices not important for engineers accessing information for work – pcs dominate #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Mobile devices not important for engineers accessing information for work – pcs dominate #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Higher preference for online forums and blogs vs. other publications fir youngest engineers #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Print more effective than online publications, videos, etc. for ask buy youngest Engineers #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Publication websites less important than videos, forums and print #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Massive difference in information consumption by age – young engineers love forums, older like print (still) #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Chinese engineers feel the greatest need to stay up to date and self-teach #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Engineers think they are working on more projects than before, but IBM study shows the opposite #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Cost issues are becoming a much bigger concern for engineers #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: When engineers need information, they need it immediately #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Biggest challenge for engineers – keeping knowledge current #mindoftheengineer #elec12

mind-of-the-engineer-presentation-electronica-2012@Mike_Maynard: Engineers have wide range of interests #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Engineers like to try or learn new things #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: Average number of engineers in project team =7 => mktg not about convincing a specific person #mindoftheengineer #elec12

@Mike_Maynard: At #UBM mind of the Engineer presentation #elec12


  • Mike Maynard

    In 2001 Mike acquired Napier with Suzy Kenyon. Since that time he has directed major PR and marketing programmes for a wide range of technology clients. He is actively involved in developing the PR and marketing industries, and is Chair of the PRCA B2B Group, and lectures in PR at Southampton Solent University. Mike offers a unique blend of technical and marketing expertise, and was awarded a Masters Degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Surrey and an MBA from Kingston University.

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