Bryn Rainford - NapierSo that’s it, my apprenticeship is done, my first year at Napier is done and what a year it has been.

I’ve learnt so much in the past year about myself and marketing which has been perfect for me. I’ve found out what my strengths and weaknesses are, as well as gaining valuable knowledge and skills that will help me to progress. I’ve found one of my main strengths is my ability to communicate and also analyse data which helped a lot in my day to day activities.

Napier have been great in giving me the opportunity and exposure to all aspects of PR and marketing and how a full service agency works, which has enabled me to see what aspects I enjoy and what skills I want to develop.

I think my main objective when starting my apprenticeship was to set a good foundation for myself. I wanted to be in a better position in my career at 22-23, in comparison to if I had gone to University as for me, choosing what to do was a big decision and it needed to be worthwhile.

Now looking back, I can see that this was the right choice for me and I feel that in 3-4 years when I would have been leaving university, I will now be in a better position. Being offered (and accepting) a permanent job at Napier is the first step towards reaching that goal and Napier will give me more opportunity to grow.

I’m looking forward to the future and developing more in myself and with Napier. I’ll still be making the tea though, of course…
