Well-known industry veteran Bill Barron has been appointed Strategic Account Manager at OpenSystems Media. Prior to joining the OMS Team Bill spent 11 years at Hearst Business Media as VP and Publisher as well as holding positions at PartMiner as CMO and Publisher at CMP. Bill steered Hearst Business Media to a leading position before selling the group in 2015.

The Hearst Business Media Group had a reputation as a technology leader providing information, insights and solutions to professionals around the world in finance, healthcare and transportation. Electronic Products magazine is one of the most well-known publications that belonged to the Hearst Business Media group before being bought by AspenCore back in December 2015 and it’s a firm favourite with Napier clients.

OpenSystems Media has been a leading publisher of electronics magazines, e-mail newsletters, websites, and product resource guides for more than 33 years. A key resource for engineers, OSM produces e-casts, live and virtual technical events and interactive tools. They are also the largest producer of lead generation tools such as webcasts and whitepapers by driving awareness through social media.

On his move to OSM Bill says, After spending time with OpenSystems Media, I am very excited about the possibilities. I’ve learned OSM has many unique and innovative products and services that my prior customers will love to take advantage of. I look forward to being part of the team and getting out there to tell the OSM story”.
This move is an exciting one for OpenSystems Media and Bill with publisher and partner Patrick Hopper revealing, “We are very excited to have Bill working with us…Bill will help Open Systems Media expand our presence across all of our brands.”

We look forward to working with Bill in his new role at OpenSystems Media and seeing our client’s coverage in their key publications such as Embedded Computing Design.


  • Sophie Thomas

    Sophie worked with Napier in content development and account management for several of our accounts. She's now moved on to an in-house role.

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