del_corso-smallWhat do you most enjoy about your job?
I manage the contents of a magazine dedicated to the programmable electronic devices, which means I’m constantly updated and in touch with both the key suppliers and also with the designers and engineers that use these technologies in devices. This is what I enjoy in my job: to be active part in the spreading technologies and to see them applied in the most varied applications.

Which areas of electronics interest you the most?
Personally I’m interested in all of things that are electronics, but for sure, the area that I prefer is microcontrollers. Lately with the coming of the multi-Core systems this topic is even more interesting!

Readers have to pay for their copies of Firmware. Why would a reader pay for a magazine when there are a number of free ones available?
The articles published on Firmware magazine are written by designers skilled the electronics. Due this, the contents are very different from controlled circulation magazines that usually take contributions supplied from vendors. However we also have a mailing so lots of engineers receive Firmware every month, free of charge.

How do you cater for both people who work in electronics and people for whom electronics is a hobby?
The readers of Firmware are mostly engineers because the contents are technically complex and beyond the capacity of those for whom electronics is a hobby. For the hobbyists we have other magazines like Fare Elettronica ( and “L’elettronica di Mr A.keer” ( – a series of video DVDs that help people learn about electronics.

Do you have any plans to enhance the magazine or website over the next year?
We will improve the web site with many more extra articles that are not published in the printed magazine. Moreover we are working in order to publish Firmware in other European languages.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time, when you’re not editing Firmware?
About 4 months ago my son was born, so all my spare time is dedicated to the child. At the moment he gives me many things to do!!

Will the Internet kill printed magazines?
This is a good question. The Internet has already killed many printed magazines due the costs of printing and the the very low cost of electronic distribution: in fact thousands of readers can be reached in few minutes by sending a simple newsletter! The Italians readers still prefer the printed magazine and I think that this will be the case for some time. The magazines can be collected and can be browsed through without the aid of a computer.
Hmm… thinking, if we post a good article on net, the majority of the people prefer to print it and to read it rather than to read it on the PC’s monitor.

Do you personally prefer to get information in print or online?
It depends from the type of information that I’m looking for. If I need a tips or an information “to the flight” I prefer the online version, but if I have to read a complex argument the printed version version for me is essential. However I don’t hide to you that I often print documents before reading them!

What is your favourite gadget?
As I have already said, I’m attracted by anything that works with voltage and current, therefore my favourite gadget has to be electronic! Lately I am amusing myself with a multimedia hard disk that I’m using in order to store and show AVI video recorded using my camcorder. Obviously the subject of the videos is always my son, the little Del Corso!


  • Mike Maynard

    In 2001 Mike acquired Napier with Suzy Kenyon. Since that time he has directed major PR and marketing programmes for a wide range of technology clients. He is actively involved in developing the PR and marketing industries, and is Chair of the PRCA B2B Group, and lectures in PR at Southampton Solent University. Mike offers a unique blend of technical and marketing expertise, and was awarded a Masters Degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Surrey and an MBA from Kingston University.

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