What do you most enjoy about your job?
There are so many things to enjoy.

  • From a technological point of view, it’s always nice to have a continuous superstructure on top of the basic EE-scientist education. I get to see it all and talk to the most interesting people and companies in the business. This would not have been possible in a regular scientific/engineering job.
  • Relaying this information to the industry is also very gratifying: I can actually see that companies are using the component, technologies, tools and processes that I’m recommending through Aktuel Elektronik. It’s nice to know that even international manufacturors of globally accepted consumer-products are basing their product development on articles they read in Aktuel Elektronik.
  • From a personal point of view I’ve managed to put myself in a position, where I’m free to plan my day exactly like I want to. Also travelling around Europe meeting fantastic people and “the family” of editorial collegues and PR-people is often heart-warming. I feel more comfortable around these people – who are fortunately very loyal to the business, so the contact is maintained for many years.
  • Which areas of electronics interest you the most?
    All of them! It’s very hard to separate the various issues of the electronics business, as they are so strongly linked. Components, EDA, manufacturing and test goes hand in hand. However in all cases I prefere the compact and limited solution that gets the job done. A humble microcontroller can be a fastastic component in the right application – and most solutions for power-electronics are often made for one specific purpose that’s solved “quick and dirty”. I am particularly fond of power-electronics, but having spent six years in the Danish Technical University dealing with this subject, it shouldn’t be a surprise? From a more bizarre perspective, I’ve always been fascinated by electron valves. Beautiful component – and in a few cases with superior performance compared to semiconductors.

    It must be difficult for magazines in countries like Denmark, which are relatively small markets when compared with countries like Germany, France and the UK. Do you think that there will always be local Danish electronics magazines?
    Good question! From a financial point of view (revenue per capita of the spoken language) Danish is the 18th most important language in the world – which almost puts the Danish on par with French! (these are OECD-figures, so they should be kosher). Denmark is also the most computer-literate country in the world and there are more printed titles per capita than anywhere else in the world. Also a lot of the International R&D is deeply founded in Denmark which means that there’s a substantial demand for technical information in the Danish society. Some claim that the Danes are the Jews of the North. It may be quite difficult discovering the Danish brands, but in a very subtle way, we are deeply involved in all walks of the business – financially, politically, technologically or otherwise. Companies knowing that the Danish design-footprint being very important in products from a large amount of international brandnames are usually doing quite well – so you should never underestimate the potential of small countries.

    Do you think that paper magazines will ever be replaced by digital versions and/or websites?
    A Danish philosopher once said: It’s very hard to predict anything – particularly the future. And having been proven wrong on a few occasions, I’m rather reluctant to have a rock-solid opinion about these matters. However, you may ask yourself a few questions: 25 years ago, everybody said that the computer would give us the paperless society. So far this is not the case. Also, after the introduction of the internet there are more printed titles now than, say, five years ago. Now, this should perhaps pose the answer in itself. And when you think of it: Apart from the flatscreen and the performance has the computer really changed since the introduction of the IBM XTs/ATs more than 25 years ago? No, not really. I think a useful digital version of the printed paper or magazine should be constructed in a completely different fashion. Personally I’d always prefer the lowest common technogical denominator that does the job – and a good printed publication is still hard to beat.

    Do you have any plans to enhance the magazine or website over the next year?
    Funny enough, Aktuel Elektronik is on the increase despite the present economical climate. Unfortunately our company also owns some titles within areas that are more or less affected by the economical downturn. This means that we don’t have as many editorial hands as before. This puts a hold to most plans of product development for the time being. This being said, our web-site runs very nice swiflets of the present and back-issues of Aktuel Elektronik, which is particularly interesting on our overseas markets (there are many Danish engineers working in both Silly Valley and China).
    We are increasingly helping companies and organizations setting up conferences in Denmark. This seems to be quite popular. Also we’re placing video-interviews and productbased video-tutorials on our website. Our readers in Denmark obviously prefers the printed paper, so we’re making an effort to make different use of our website.

    What is the one thing you’d like to change about the way companies do PR in the electronics industry?
    More international press meetings and seminars. This is not a waste of time of money, but it’s the perfect opportunity to show the readers the people behind the products – and in the end people do business with people – and no matters how good a product, you’d never buy it unless you trust the people behind the product.
    Also companies should recognize the value of sucking up to the editors. Without PR, no sales. And without the deep, personal contact to the editors, no PR. The media are the door-openers for the business, and whether the companies like it or not without using the media as a megaphone to the end users, they’ll die. The companies should also appreciate the within this particular segment the editors are at least as technologically savvy as the companies themselves – combined with a deep contact to the markets that the varous companies want to approach. Hence: Take good care of the editors – and they’ll take good care of you. (Does this seem like a familiar approach?)

    Do you personally prefer to get information in print or online?
    Depends: Talking about press releases, I want to receive these as e-mail dedicated to me, in Danish, as a short and sharp word-document (10 to 15 lines are better than three pages of corporate blah-blah) and with a good picture attached as a jpg. When it comes to articles, I prefer a phonecall before any mails come through. This assures that the article could be useful. When I get my own information, I prefer to stay informed via printed media, whereas I can normally find exactly what I’m looking for in less then 10 seconds using google.

    What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
    Sure you want to know? 😉 No, well, there are more things. It’s good fun to play with my kids on the Playstation which is connected to a 80″ TV-set. It adds some realism to Fifa ´09 or whatever. Also playing some decent rock’n roll (much into Rockabilly and Emo these days – yeah-yeah, I know I’m 30 years to old for the latter) on my Gibson Standard or Stick-bass. Also got a garage full of classic bikes and cars that require frequent attention. And, hey, then there’s my membership of the Malt Whisky Society (thanks to David Milne of Wolfson) – but sitting down for a profound chat with International collegues of the business over a pint or two is most enjoyable. What else? Oh yes, just published a book on Model Trains. Being part-owner of one of the largest model train shops in Europe this seemed like a wise move – so obviously I’m enjoy model trains too. Finally there’s the dear Mrs. who requires quite a lot of attention too (6′ of leggy blonde). As odd as this may sound, I like taking her to the after Xmas sales in London – which means about three days of shopping-frenzy up and down the Streets around Piccadilly and Covent Garden. And as long as I got my black Levis 501’s, a black T-shirt and black Doc Martins, I’m happy.
    Finally hunting down peculiarities that collegues and PR-people around the world really like is part of the fun. I’ve always got an eye open for Mocca Chocolate Beans for Suzy (at Napier) or similar funny items with a Danish background. So if anyone out there needs anything odd Danish stuff, just let me know, and I’ll if I can find it.

    What is your favourite gadget?
    Right now? Must be my new 24-track Tascam Portastudio. I’m working on a record, and eventually the technology has reached a level, where the quality is fully up the CD-standard, and the price of the hardware is acceptable.


    • Mike Maynard

      In 2001 Mike acquired Napier with Suzy Kenyon. Since that time he has directed major PR and marketing programmes for a wide range of technology clients. He is actively involved in developing the PR and marketing industries, and is Chair of the PRCA B2B Group, and lectures in PR at Southampton Solent University. Mike offers a unique blend of technical and marketing expertise, and was awarded a Masters Degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Surrey and an MBA from Kingston University.

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