“Alert” and “Breaking” will boost your open and click through rates by up to 77.6%

Words matter. More specifically, words in your email subject lines matter. The importance of keywords shouldn’t be limited to your content, calls-to-actions, even your SEO efforts. It is, in fact, crucial that you are using keywords effectively in your email subject lines, to optimise your chances of the email actually being opened. After all, you are one of a potentially large number of companies cluttering your prospects’ inboxes.

But what makes your email worth reading over any of the others? Three words…the subject line. Even I am guilty of occasionally neglecting the importance of the subject line, but when you really think about it, your prospects don’t always have time or patience, and they aren’t all going to open your emails. It’s all well and good spending hours creating, heck even perfecting your email marketing efforts, but the truth of the matter is, if your subject line isn’t selling it to them, you’ve wasted your time.

Now chances are I have probably spent the last two paragraphs telling you something that you already know. So based on Adestra’s Global Mobile Advertising Revenue report, I have created an infographic to enlighten you of the keywords you should be using and those that you should steer clear from. Enjoy.


Adestra Infographic (1)

