Hi, I’m Chloe Attwood, now a third year student at Southampton Solent University studying BA (Hons) Public Relations and Communication. During the very long summer break us PR students get, we are required to complete 2 two week industry placements. I knew I wanted to work at a B2B PR agency and when Mike Maynard, managing director of Napier, offered me a chance to work for them I was thrilled.

I first joined Napier back in May, which scarily seems not that long ago! I was at Napier for a total of six weeks doing everything from writing tip sheets to editing videos and using SEO tools to measure the successfulness of key words on client’s websites. I loved working in a B2B agency, it was everything I expected busy, a little stressful and a lot of work, but everything about that appealed to me.

When my six weeks came to an end at Napier, I completed two other PR internships over the long university summer break. It was really good for me to do internships, it kept me busy and I really would recommend other students do it, even if it’s just to clarify that you’re doing the right course and the industry is the one you want to spend the rest of your life in.

I was offered the chance to come back to Napier when my six weeks was up on a one day a week basis, which of course I accepted. Now I’m back just one day a week helping out doing things such as writing blog posts, organising events and writing material for the Napier insider. If you haven’t already guessed – I like to write.

So now instead of being at Napier full time, I’m here just one day a week. I really did miss the team and the working environment, it’s so different from being a student to say the least. One thing I haven’t missed though, are the dreaded trains!

Being at Napier has not only given me real PR experience but it’s also confirmed that working in a B2B environment is what I want to do.

So let’s bring on next month’s adventures…
