
It’s crazy to think that I’ve now been at Napier for a quarter of a year! How quickly the time goes. It seems like only the other day I was walking around the office with a little notepad asking how people like there tea! Of course I know it off by heart now…

So far so good. I’ve been able to get involved with some great work for our clients, and am really pleased at how far I’ve come in such a short space of time. The first couple of tasks I was given included entering features into our databases, followed by reviewing and analysing Napier’s internal stats, allowing the management team to see which jobs are efficient and those that aren’t! These were great tasks to start with as they helped me understand how my role supports the company and my colleagues, while also giving me a solid understanding of how Napier operates and works within the industry, with both clients and the media.

I have since become more involved with the PR side of things, having spent some time monitoring our clients’ coverage, as well as developing media databases. I was also recently asked to email and call journalists to try and set up meetings with one of our clients at Mobile World Congress. I was able to book more meetings than anyone expected, which I was really pleased with and it was great to have the opportunity to interact directly with journalists. It’s definitely boosted my confidence in this role, and I look forward to being involved in similar future work.

In the next few weeks I will be contributing to more internal and external analysis, which will help us show new clients how successful we can be in implementing and driving results from campaigns. I will also be aiding my team with Embedded World preparation.

Ultimately, I have really enjoyed my first few months at Napier, everyone has been really helpful and friendly towards me, and welcomed me into the family environment we have here (even if they do call me Brian!). But on a serious note my experience so far has been diverse, challenging, but highly enjoyable, and seeing myself get coverage for the first time and setting up some great meetings for a client, with some hugely influential industry publications has been my personal highlights, and I look forward to my future at Napier!

Let’s just hope I can get everyone calling me Bryn…
