Chloe Attwood - Intern - NapierTime really does fly when you’re having fun! I can’t believe I’ve now been interning one day a week at Napier for over four months! In my time here, I’ve been helping the Napier team with several little (and sometimes big) tasks, and it’s been really insightful to have spent some of my time here helping Aimee, the business development executive. Business development is completely different from what I have previously done whilst working at Napier, and having come from a solid PR background, it’s been great to see the other side of Napier and develop an understanding of the process of how Napier targets potential clients and markets itself, as well as the clients.

Whilst working with Aimee I have spent a lot of time researching interesting blog ideas and new target companies, as well as updating content for Napier and actually writing some of the content which is very fun – as I do like writing. I’ve learnt that business development (or biz dev as we say) is something that I would definitely consider pursuing.

My university studies are going well. I have now finished the first term of my third and final year and have received my grades back for the first term modules. I’m happy and am on track to get a 2:1 or even a 1st class if I really push myself.

I have also now started, very slowly, to write my dissertation. For someone who likes writing – 10,000 words on a topic of my choice is shockingly hard to do. Being somewhat of a perfectionist it makes it a particularly hard to finish one section and move on to the next. And one thing I’m really not looking forward to do is paying for the printing of two copies once I eventually finish it! (I am a student after all!)

Although it does help and keep me on track having a supportive team asking me how I’m doing each week, and how much work I’ve done on my dissertation. I find it especially helpful knowing Napier has two employees, Diana and Cara, who have graduated from exactly the same course as me.

My time here has flown by, even though I only come in once a week, but I’m really looking forward to spending my final month working on some great campaigns for Napier!
