Following on from our successful presentation at the FSB’s Apprentice Event back in May, Mike and I were invited to share our apprentice journey with companies that are considering recruiting a marketing apprentice, in a webinar for Apprenticemakers, a company that works with the National Apprenticeship Service to support existing and budding apprentice employers.

We started the webinar with Mike who discussed the reasons Napier first considered recruiting an apprentice; how Chichester College managed the recruitment process and the benefits that hiring an apprentice has had on Napier and our clients. I was then asked to share my experience as an apprentice; what my peers think of my decisions, what I have learnt at Napier and my aspirations for my future career at Napier.

We closed the webinar with questions and answers from the listeners, this was my favourite part of the webinar as it created a two way conversation with the individuals that had tuned in to listen to our journey. We discussed the misconceptions about apprenticeships, and how I, as an apprentice, am perceived in our industry.

I think the webinar was a great way to show others what a fantastic opportunity an apprenticeship is to both companies that are thinking about taking an apprentice on, as well as talented people that are considering starting an apprenticeship themselves.

We are currently recruiting for our third apprentice, do you know someone in the Chichester area who would like a career in marketing? You can contact us directly, or apply through Chichester College.


  • Freya Ward

    Freya brings a range of experience to Napier, particularly in social media, having previously worked in consumer-marketing roles. She supports the team in a variety of areas, including reporting, analysis, email marketing and video editing.

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