With any awards programme, there are factors you can control such as your choice of product, the category you choose to submit your entry into and of course what you choose to write or present. There are also factors that you cannot control that might affect your chances. In our latest blog about ‘How to Win an Award’ we give you some hints and tricks to maximise your chances. If you missed our previous posts in the series Choosing the Right Awards programme for Your Business and How To Write a Winning Awards Entry… make sure you take a read. If you’re sure you’re ready you can head straight to our Tip Sheet Download.

What a difference a judge makes

Depending on the subject area and who is organising the awards, the judges may be industry experts with a keen eye for the finer details who won’t be swayed by seductive language in your entry. Awards run by publications may have a judging panel made up of journalists and guest judges so you’ll need to aim to please as many of the panel as possible with a mix of technical and benefits driven messaging. If possible, it is always advisable to find out who is judging so you can tailor your entry to suit. If you can’t find out exact names then try to establish if they are engineers with specific field knowledge or whether they are technical journalists who are after the story. You can’t control who the judges are but knowing more about them and doing your research can at least put you a step ahead.

Who is the face of your entry?

If you need to present your award entry in person, then ensure you pick someone who knows their stuff and is furnished with the facts. Judges will see through sales patter and won’t have time for countless slides on the company history. If you’re entering a technical awards category make sure your representative can quote statistics or data that supports your entry and if possible choose someone who feels comfortable presenting and puts people at ease. Occasionally judges like to ask on the spot questions and your representative needs to be prepared with answers.

Who has the final say?

Some awards are judged behind closed doors and others are open to a public vote. If your chosen award is decided by the public (your industry peers) then make sure you promote your entry into the awards and ask your supporters to vote for you! You could include a link on your website homepage, on e-blasts, newsletters and through social media. Take your chance to influence the outcome by spreading the word as far and as wide as you can with compelling calls to action.

So, you’ve done all you can. You now have all the tools to write an award worthy entry! If you’re stuck for inspiration then download our Tip Sheet. If you want more of a helping hand why not get in touch and find out how we can help you to win an award.

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  • Sophie Thomas

    Sophie worked with Napier in content development and account management for several of our accounts. She's now moved on to an in-house role.

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