At Napier we work hard to secure the best coverage for our clients. We love nothing more than seeing the results of our hard work come to fruition through seeing client coverage land in our inbox or on our desks. Our clients always enjoy seeing their coverage too and over the years we have chosen to share this with them in numerous ways. Using PR coverage is also a great way to put together valuable content for our clients’ customers.

When we receive coverage, whether it be digital or in print we can carefully collate it and can turn it into some fantastic display pieces that continue to attract attention for our clients.

Twitter Coverage Montage


For some of our clients we create a printed coverage montage and this has proven to be very popular with our clients. Our in-house graphic designer Rob takes the coverage and creates digital copies of each piece and carefully arranges each one in turn to form a montage. This montage can then be sent to print on high quality paper and is then framed, and ready to send to the client. We love to send these framed montages as a little surprise and we have had some excellent client feedback, Natalie from HARTING, a client of our partner agency Peter Bush Communications says, “The coverage montages from Napier provide a tangible snapshot of the press coverage we have received. They are a great way to show others that we are working together with the Napier team to achieve the same goal. We proudly display the montages on our Marketing Board for everyone to see”.


Although these frames look great on our clients’ walls, they’re a little impractical to distribute to their customers. So we also create coverage books: collections of articles and other content that clients can use to demonstrate their expertise and showcase their products and services. Recently we worked on a series of articles for our client Vector Software, focussing on the automotive market and trends
and topics within the embedded software testing environment. We secured some excellent coverage across a series of top European automotive and testing publications including Vehicle Electronics, EE Times,, Elektronik Automotive and TEST Magazine. To really show off this range of coverage to the client, the team decided to create a printed coverage book to display it all in one place. “We were thrilled that we managed to get excellent coverage for these thought leadership articles. As the content was focused on one of the client’s niche sectors, it seemed fitting to compile this together in one place and re-purpose this collection of useful information into a resource. It was brilliant to see the finished result and the client was really impressed.”



Rob carefully scanned the items of coverage, created a contents page and an eye catching front cover with the client’s logo in pride of place. Using our printing service, we were able to have multiple copies of this coverage book printed on high quality glossy paper, and the finished design looks fantastic – and all in less than a week, as well as a PDF version.

Take a look at an example of a coverage book now.

VectorAutoArtSpread2As well as being a great conversation piece, a coverage book is great value for money, and not nearly as expensive as you might think! To make the best use of the work you’ve already done, and have your coverage transformed into a book, contact us to get a quote.inside cover of vector book

Take a look at an example of a coverage book now.


  • Sophie Thomas

    Sophie worked with Napier in content development and account management for several of our accounts. She's now moved on to an in-house role.

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