Google has introduced a click to message function on search ads, to make it easier for brands and customers to interact via SMS.

This function will be available in upcoming weeks, and can be switched on by setting up a messaging extension, allowing the opportunity to click on the ‘texting’ option within a Google Ad to launch their SMS app.

The SMS app will include a pre-written message, focusing around the topic of interest, for example, perhaps inquiring into further depth about a hotel reservation and further information about a particular booking.

A best practice guide is also being provided by Google, ensuring brands have all the help needed to use this new function effectively, with 65% of consumers considering using text messaging as a way to get information about a brand or to book an appointment.

This function provides an interesting opportunity for businesses and agencies alike, as Google introduce a new yet extremely noteworthy way to interact with customers. Although it may be true that the capability is likely to have its biggest impact in the consumer sector, the simple way it provides for B2B companies to respond to queries, without the need for a phone call, is a great way to identify potential leads more quickly and easily. We will be interested to see how innovative B2B marketers use this new AdWords capability to help speed up complex customer journeys.


  • Fiona` Challen

    Fiona joins Napier as a Marketing Specialist coming from a creative background in video & photography. Fiona has extensive experience in customer service having worked in the financial services sector prior to joining Napier.

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