Electronics Weekly BrightSparks young engineer programme winners were announced on the 2nd May at an awards ceremony held at the IET Maxwell Library in London.

In collaboration with RS Components, the Electronics Weekly BrightSparks programme recognizes and rewards young engineers for the impressive work they have already achieved at the beginning of their careers.

This year’s awards featured young engineers from a range of work fields; including industry, academia, entrepreneurs and cutting-edge researchers, with projects featuring topics such as; flexible sensors, GPU verification, FPGA architectures and bringing STEM to disadvantaged communities.

At Napier, we are firm supporters of celebrating success at any stage of a person’s career and it’s great to see the industry celebrating the successes of younger people. It’s no secret that there is a need for more engineers in the UK, and by acknowledging all levels of experience within the industry, Electronics Weekly will inspire other young people to make a career in electronics.

To see the full list of winners for 2019, and details of the awards ceremony, please click here. 


  • Hannah Wehrly

    Hannah’s role will include supporting the team in a variety of areas including lead nurturing, email marketing and content writing. Hannah is extremely enthusiastic and is keen to expand her knowledge, whilst gaining valuable insight into the B2B Technology sector.

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