True marketeers will know that in order to get consistently high engagement rates, evaluation of each campaign deliverable is necessary. Often looking at click-throughs, the number of attendees or sign ups, helps to indicate the success of a digital banner ad, print ad or e-shot. However, to get the best idea of which deliverable performs the best, using a Split Test A/B Calculator can help.

A Split Test A/B calculator takes into consideration the statistical significance. Way back in the 1700s, statistical significance was invented by mathematicians John Arbuthnot and Pierre-Simon Laplace who computed the p-value for the human sex ratio at birth (interesting fact). It has since been used in a number of ways, one of which being A/B testing in marketing.

To use Napier’s Split Test A/B calculator, simply follow the below steps.

  1. Input the number of visitors each landing page has received. If it’s an email marketing campaign, input the number of opens for each email.
  2. On the second row, input the number of leads generated from the landing page or from the email.
  3. Click ‘Calculate results’
  4. The Conversion rates and Confidence level will appear as a percentage
  5. If the difference is significant enough to indicate a statistical significance, the result will come out as ‘You have a winner! Statistically significant difference’
  6. If the difference isn’t significant, the result will come out as ‘Sorry, no winner. You can’t say the difference is significant’

This tool is especially handy if you are running an email marketing or advertising campaign and need to decide which design to take forward into the next round. If there’s no winner, perhaps it would be best to design a completely new email or advert until there’s a clear victor.

Let the battle of the Split Test commence! 
