Sadly, we can’t tell you how to find toilet paper in these trying times, (sorry) but as you will already know, at Napier we don’t run out of blog roll (sorry again…).

There is a lot of ‘tips’ out there for starting out in PR and mastering the business. Industry do’s and don’ts and how to be successful, but in my opinion, a person is the biggest asset to working in this business. It’s a personal job and certainly not for the faint-hearted. You craft the message, liaise with the client, pitch the publications and therefore you must ensure you are able to achieve all these tasks. Below are some tips to help you move forward:

1 – Starting with the research (of course), the backbone to anything is the data behind it. It’s good to know about the client, the product and the target but PR is taking it a step further than the baseline. You need to look into the competition, what the product means to the consumer, is it breaking the market, who would be interested in the news. The more you research the more you can target your activities and streamline the success rate.

2 – Details are important. Be scrupulous with every detail whether it be in developing content and material or mitigating false messaging in reactive research. You need to know what you are writing and how to spot inaccuracies immediately. The industry isn’t slow, and it won’t take it’s time for you to get up to speed. Think proactive and reactive all the time.

3 – Tech-knowledge. Especially when working within the electronics industry, knowing the technology is vital. However, generally, you need to be tech-savvy to excel. The PR industry has evolved drastically in recent years with Industry 4.0 most aspects are digital. So, utilise the new software platforms to streamline time to market and keep you up to date. We use tools such as Meltwater, Vuelio, and Microsoft teams to keep connected with the team, news and market insights.

4 – Enhance your communication skills. Yes, its basic and I am sure you are not surprised but communication is the foundation of the role. Anyone in PR needs to be able to be clear on assignments, deadlines, pitching and presenting, internally to the team and externally. Find your tone, find your style but ensure communications are clear and aligned with the messaging.

Every day is challenging and don’t expect to be bored. PR is fast paced; you must be in it to enjoy the ride. Once you jump in, nothing can slow you down!



  • Imogen Saunders

    Imogen joins the Napier team from a background in B2B financial technology marketing. Her experience specialises in Media relations and Marketing where she is keen to apply and advance her skills and insight in the B2B Technology Marketing sector.

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