We were really sad to hear the news that Elektronik Informationen and its sister magazine Photonik has made the decision to close its doors, with readers already receiving the last published issues from the publications.

As a small independent publisher, the decision was made due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic affecting profits, and without an established digital readership, it was not economically feasible to support the high running costs of the print magazines.

It’s always tough to see a publication close, and we would like to take this time to thank the full editorial team at Elektronik Informationen and Photonik for their support and cooperation over the years.



  • Hannah Wehrly

    Hannah’s role will include supporting the team in a variety of areas including lead nurturing, email marketing and content writing. Hannah is extremely enthusiastic and is keen to expand her knowledge, whilst gaining valuable insight into the B2B Technology sector.

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