It has been two weeks since embedded world and the results are in! The exhibition and conference were another great success, with a record attendance of 32,000 visitors from more than 80 countries and over 1,100 exhibitors from over 50 countries.

The two parallel conferences which consisted of a total of 81 sessions and 17 classes, attracted 1,871 participants and featured speakers from 45 countries.

“The past three days were simply great,” commented Executive Director Benedikt Weyerer on Thursday evening at the close of embedded world 2024. “We were able to observe thousands of happy faces and in-depth conversations – both on the stands as well as in the packed halls and aisles.”

The Napier team contributed to these staggering numbers, with five members of our team in attendance. We met with over 30 different editors across 50 meetings and had the chance to meet many of our European-based clients face-to-face.

There’s no denying that embedded world is a staple of our industry, and has long been regarded as the ‘go-to’ place to gain insight into embedded system technologies. It was great to see the event busy and in full force, and we look forward to next year’s show.

embedded world 2025 has been confirmed and will take place from March 11th – 13th 2025.
