Why Video is STILL the Future of Content Marketing

Video marketing has quickly become a key player within a marketer’s content marketing strategy. With the digital landscape shifting significantly over the last few years, marketers now have no choice but to deliver their content the way consumers want it.

Yet, some marketers are still not convinced that video marketing is the way of the future. Luckily, video engagement is analysed by all the top industry sites and big players like YouTube, who are not shy to share their findings on why video is so important to the future of content marketing.

YouTube has revealed the following statistics about marketers using video and the numbers speak for themselves on why video STILL offers great ROI…

  • 93% of marketers are using video in their campaigns
  • 84% of marketers are using video for website marketing
  • 60% of marketers are using video for email marketing
  • 70% of marketers are optimizing video for search engines
  • 70% of marketers will increase spend on video during the next year
  • 82% of marketers confirmed that video had a positive impact on their business


How video content is received in B2B markets…

  • 92% of B2B customers watch videos online
  • 43% of that demographic researches services or products for their business through online videos
  • 76% of B2B marketing professionals include video marketing as part of their overall digital strategy (B2B Marketing)


But in order to really get an idea of how video could be leveraged to increase a brand’s social media presence, YouTube statistics provide great insight:

  • 500 years’ worth of YouTube video are watched on Facebook every day. YouTube is the world’s second biggest search engine after Google (Reel SEO)
  • YouTube accounts for 28% of all Google searches.
  • More than 1 billion viewers watch its videos each month, clocking over 6 billion hours (YouTube).
  • One hour of video is uploaded to YouTube each second, more video is uploaded to YouTube in one month than the 3 major US networks have created in the past 60 years.


Please take a few minutes to check out our latest Video projects from the Napier YouTube channel. From there you can see great video examples from our designated project playlist.

Check Out Napier’s Latest Video Projects

If we can help you with your video content, Get in Touch and speak to a member of our video team.