Global Mobile Ad Revenue Up by 82.2%

Smartphone growth may well be slowing down in some developed markets, but the growth of mobile advertising is anything but.

According to recent figures from a global mobile advertising study, conducted by the IAB and IHS, the industry has seen an 82.8 per cent rise between 2011 and 2012, as revenues hit $8.9 billion.

A breakdown of the figures show the highest growth rate at 88.8% was search, followed by display (87.3%) and messaging (40.2%). These figures clearly indicate that search is the most popular advertising option, accounting for 52.8% of the total global mobile advertising revenue.

With Kimon Zorbas, CEO IAB Europe, describing it as a “monumental shift across communication platforms”, this report is proof that marketers can no longer bury their head in the sand, and wait until it’s passed. Mobile is global, and is growing at a rapid rate. Check out the report for further statistics!
