60% of LinkedIn users have clicked on an ad on the site

LinkedIn is about business, business is promoted by marketing, and marketing is all about content. Among other things. With the somewhat annoying adage ‘content is king’ in mind, LinkedIn have stepped up its game and announced their launch of sponsored updates, a service that will enable any company to promote their updates, including video, images and presentations, to a much larger audience beyond their direct connections.

Marketers may see greater benefits in using sponsored updates as opposed to LinkedIn’s current advertising system, simply because the posts will be integrated into members’ newsfeeds. This is likely to lead to increased interaction, as opposed to appearing in a side bar. Like typical LinkedIn ads, promotional posts will be available to companies via a bid-based auction, based on either cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-metric (CPM).

Now bearing in mind that 60% of LinkedIn users have clicked on an ad on the site, with the potential increased interaction of sponsored updates, I’m definitely optimistic it is the way forward for B2B social media advertising.
