Email Marketing alongside your website and trade shows is one of the most effective lead generation marketing tactics. And guess what? It’s the cheapest, with the best performing tactic in regards to ROI.  Which is why the most used lead generation tactic is email marketing, according to MarketingSherpa, with 81% of respondents citing it as the most effective channel.b2b-lead-generation-tactics


Moreover, email is ranked as the third most influential information sources for B2B audiences after colleague recommendations and industry-specific intermediary according to BaseOne.

Email is a key component of every marketing campaign. Whether you are hosting an event, offering a new content offer, promoting a new product or service, or staying in touch with customers, email should be one of your main forms of communication. By putting your content in front of prospects, you can find people who might not be looking for you.

Download our tip sheet on how to be successful with email marketing.

Marketing automation has generated twice as many leads as email marketing software last year. However, marketing automation needs significant marketing effort in order to see results. So if you’re not doing email marketing at all, why not start small?

Database segmentation and really targeted email marketing can provide surprising results for lead generation if the content and the offer are just right. It’s all about reaching your customers, with the right content at the right time. Nowadays, most email marketing platforms can help with segmentation, sending at the right time, personalisation and mobile-friendliness.

68% of B2B companies are still struggling with lead generation (CSO Insights) and high-quality lead generation is the top challenge for 61% of B2B marketers according to B2B Technology Marketing Community. So companies are increasing their lead generation budgets year on year.

What are you doing for your lead gen?

Download our tip sheet on how to be successful with email marketing.
