Tradeshows. Every journalist, exhibitor and visitor knows of the challenges you can face. Working in a marketing agency we have to tackle tradeshows on almost a monthly basis. If its attending one or preparing for the next, it seems the next tradeshow is only around the corner for us and our clients.

From personal experience, my biggest challenge to date is having  to ‘survive’ a tradeshow. I wish I knew then what I know now.

3 Tips for Survival:

1) Comfortable shoes
 Your foot attire will be what makes or breaks your time venturing around at a tradeshow. Comfort over fashion is a must and be prepared with plasters for the amount of walking you will do.

2) Navigating
Map your journeys out logistically, think ahead and plan around where you need to be and where you are heading. As an agency we often have clients at the same event, meaning I spend my time toing and froing between them; which if you are a tradeshow amateur is a big struggle. Learn where everyone that is relevant to you is based and work out the quickest routes to get you from A to Z.  I can’t tell you how long I spent walking around in circles to only find short cuts on the last day of the event!

3) Emergency snacks
Yes, there are food stalls dotted around the venues at all tradeshows but with back to back meetings it is not always easy to sneak off to devour a Bratwurst. On the go snacks are a great back up plan that will save you from feeling weary and will keep you surviving. I can often be found grazing on the go at a show.

After all the planning and time, tradeshows can be a really enjoyable experience and worthwhile, but only if you remember to follow these key tips!
