In this podcast episode, we interview Cassandra Jowett, Senior Director of Marketing at PathFactory, a B2B intelligent content platform.

Cassandra shares how her passion for content marketing led to her joining the PathFactory team, and how the platform helps B2B companies connect content to their customers and create experiences to grow revenue.

She also shares how PathFactory takes personalisation to the next level, and the importance of understanding what’s in your content library.

Transcript: Interview with Cassandra Jowett

Mike: Thanks for listening to marketing b2b tech, the podcast from Napier, where you can find out what really works in b2b marketing today. Welcome to the latest episode of marketing b2b technology, the podcast from Napier. Today, I’m joined by Cassandra Jowatt, who’s a senior director of marketing at path factory. Welcome to the podcast. Cassandra, thanks so much for having me. Well, thank you very much for joining us. You’ve been at powerfactory quite a while. But I’m interested to know how you ended up there in your career, I’m always interested to hear how people end up at marketing technology companies. So tell me, you know, how did you end up at powerfactory?

Cassandra: Sure, it probably started when I was in university, I went to journalism school and thought I was going to be, you know, a foreign correspondent changing the world with my reporting, but unfortunately, graduated into the recession in 2009, and just kind of fell into working for technology companies, startups here in Toronto, Canada.

And, you know, the most transferable skill that I had was the ability to write and create content and publish things online. And I didn’t realise it at the time, but what I was doing was called content marketing. And, you know, I worked for a small startup here, and basically built the business doing that. And after a few years of that, I started to, you know, become aware of the concept of content marketing, and that it was a really strategic lever that businesses can use to attract customers, retain customers. And so once I started learning about that, I fell into, you know, just learning more about it and getting more involved in that community. And I ended up getting recruited to a company called influitive, which is an advocate marketing software company. You know, there’s a lot of folks here in Toronto, who are from the original sort of Eloqua team, this is where aliquot was founded.

And so some of those folks were now working at influitive. And I was able to join that team very early on and be one of the first marketers there. And content marketing was a critical, sort of part of building that company trying to create this new category in marketing at the time back in 2013. And so I sort of got my start in martec, there spent four years there and, you know, met a whole slew of other amazing marketers, while I was there, and one of them was Elle Wolf, who was also a former aliqua alumni. And she was working at a company then called lookbook HQ, which was what we were called here at Packard before we rebranded in 2018. And, you know, asked me, if I wanted to join the company, I saw the product.

And as a content marketer, I was so excited about what it already did, but definitely about where it was heading, what the vision was, I felt like it was really solving a lot of problems that I personally had as a content marketer at a software company. And so I was excited to sort of be part of marketing that and helping marketers, you know, change the way that they, they bring their content to market and measure their content marketing, and, you know, try to have an impact on the business using content, which is basically how all b2b marketing is done today.

Mike: Awesome. And it’s interesting, you know, I think one of the best things about elicker is actually probably the companies that spun out from the people who work there, you know, almost rather than the actual product itself.

Cassandra: Yeah, you don’t have to look too far to find former eloquence here in the marketing community in Toronto, they’re just sort of sprinkled out everywhere, different generations of them, and you’re just sort of always stumbling across them. And it’s a very small world, especially here, but I know, you know, they have they’ve had now have offices all over the world and part of Oracle. So it’s just a huge community that is, is really interesting to be a part of.

Mike: Amazing. That’s cool. So, I mean, you said powerfactory solved a lot of the problems you are facing as a content marketer. I mean, can you just explain what powerfactory does?

Cassandra: Certainly. So to put it really simply, we are a b2b, intelligent content platform that helps companies Connect content to their customers, create experiences, and use those to grow revenue. And, you know, the way I think about it is that the intelligent content side of things, if you put that in air quotes, kind of allows you to do three things outside of you know, just deliver content, which is sort of the most obvious piece, but the things that are happening under the surface is you can understand your company’s content library.

So for example, what content types and topics do you have? How many of your assets are complete or incomplete? How many you’re actually receiving traffic today versus not? Are you utilising your entire library of content that your company has invested in? Those are really important questions that you might need to answer as a marketing team.

You can also understand how your audience is engaging with that content. In my opinion, that’s, you know, the most important piece content is great, but if no one’s engaging with it, then it can’t possibly have an impact. So can you figure out maybe that ebooks are generating more engagement than blog posts or that case studies are driving form conversions better than videos or that content about Topic X has a higher return visitor rate compared with topic why or that one is trending with an in one industry but not another, like there are lots of interesting insights that you can derive when you’re looking at that engagement. And then the third piece is, you know, of course, attributing business outcomes to that content and to that engagement, which is something that so many content marketers in particular struggle with, because they’re often sort of divorced from the demands, I think it’s getting better. But sometimes they’re a bit siloed, more like a service team.

And so, you know, together, the entire marketing team can come together and say, Okay, we’re looking at this engagement, we’re looking at this content, and we’re seeing that, you know, opportunities in our pipeline where more than three visitors engaged with topic x for more than 10 minutes each have an 80%, close rate, you can kind of like, bring together the CRM data, the content, engagement data, and, you know, pull together some insights for your team to make sure that you’re creating those optimal content, journeys of note, cards, content asset ABCD. Or, because a visitor spent more than four minutes with a certain content asset, he’s more likely to be close one, like you can start to develop some of those insights and maybe even some predictions about, you know, what that engagement means for your business, and how the content will impact your business overall, you know, some of that stuff is not 100% in our product today, but it’s what we’re working towards. And we’ve done some really interesting early pilots with some of our customers on these things. And it’s the kind of data that they’re most excited about.

Mike: Amazing. I mean, I think this is a problem that a lot of people are trying to solve is, is making sure that you know, content gets used and determining which contents the best, you know, I think even eloquent, would say that they try and do a lot of this. So how would you differentiate powerfactory? from something like a marketing automation platform?

Cassandra: Sure. Yeah. So I mean, path factory isn’t sending emails, it’s really the destination for any click versus the mode of getting, like actually delivering the call to action. That’s, that’s the biggest differentiator. And, you know, there, we’re using machine learning to analyse your entire content library to figure out what is there and understanding you know, how much content you have, what is about building some models around that, so that I can actually power recommendations on the other side when people are actually experiencing it. And then bringing all those different types of data together between, you know, things like your content repository, maybe your customer data platform, your marketing automation platform, your ABM platform, and then all the different channels that you might use the path factory kind of like sits in between those two sides of your, of your marketing organisation, you know, to be that content intelligence layer, giving you insights and also activating the content if you want to, but some people are also just using the content insights and taking care of the activation themselves.

Mike: Interesting. I love the term content intelligence. I mean, do you want to just unpack that a bit and explain what you mean by content? intelligence?

Cassandra: Sure, yeah. I mean, I think most people today, most marketers today are measuring the channel performance of their content, and they don’t necessarily fully understand, you know, like the full picture of what’s going on. So, you know, I talked a little bit about, you know, understanding what’s actually inside of your content library, so that you can understand your coverage. Today, many marketers are doing manual content audits, and trying to make some assumptions about where there are gaps, you know, I, I have always done spreadsheet audits where I kind of have, you know, maybe different personas and different stages of the funnel, and I tried to slot in all the different content assets in there. But it becomes unreasonable at a certain point to do that manually. Because as marketers, we’re just creating so much content, and especially at the enterprise level, you might have 1000s, or even 10s, of 1000s of website pages and content assets, PDFs, videos, all kinds of stuff that you want to understand.

And so you definitely need a machine to help you do that. So that’s part of it is, you know, really understanding what content you have, bringing all of that like basically turning your content assets into data that then you can understand as marketers to figure out what you have. And then of course, the actual engagement. And this is omni channel engagement, you’re not measuring like how ads are performing necessarily, or how emails are performing. You’re looking at the you know, the individual visitor or the individual account, or maybe the overall visitor segment, if you’re doing ABM, you might have a number of accounts within that segment, how are they engaging with the content, no matter where you’re putting it. So it’s sort of agnostic of the channel. And the experience that you’re creating may also be agnostic to the channel, because, you know, people are going to be engaging with your content all over the place. So, you know, it’s kind of using the data, the intelligence about the content, as well as the engagement, the data that sort of gets thrown off from there, and bringing in data from third party sources as well to sort of like fuse it all together, and make really smart recommendations about what people can can see next. So thanks Little bit complex. But I think once you think about, you know, fusing all of those different things and understanding that all of those different interactions and assets can be turned into data with the right technology, then it starts to make sense.

Mike: So, I mean, it kind of sounds like power factories taking data, which could be, you know, pages people have visited or, you know, perhaps IP address or something for a VM and using that to make the magic recommendation of the right piece of content that’s going to have, you know, the most impact, is that a good understanding of how it works?

Cassandra: I mean, I would say it’s less about their IP address. And it’s more about, you know, what have they engaged with in the past, what have people at their account engaged with in the past, we’re not necessarily saying like, okay, IP address, number, number, whatever, is this account. And so we are going to show them that although marketers can automate that they can sort of set up those kinds of, you know, responses in pass factory. But what’s more common is, you know, someone lands, and if it detects, we have an integration with six cents right out of the box, or people might use demand base or something as well. You know, if we’re detecting them from an account, then maybe we want to show them things that other folks that their accounts have looked at, because they all need to consume, you know, similar information in order to form a buying decision. Because we know especially on the enterprise side, buying committees can be absolutely huge.

And so getting them all on the same page is important. We might show them what’s trending at their account, we might show them what people like them have worked out, but it’s mostly based on their own engagement. If I haven’t engaged with anything yet, then, you know, the recommendations might not be as tuned into them specifically. But as soon as they engage with even a single asset, it starts to form the recommendations and take them down a journey that’s more personalised for them. And, you know, it’s not just about like, did they engage with an asset? Yes, or no, it’s also about the quality of their engagement.

So you know, if they only spend a second on something, and then moved on to something else, like, that says something, if they spent 10 minutes with it, though, you know, that sort of says, okay, they’re really interested in this topic, they, they should probably see more information on this or, you know, see the next step in the journey. And, you know, the intelligence that you can get from that, as marketers, the insights you can derive from that data is really interesting as well.

Mike: Interesting. Can you just talk about how powerfactory makes the recommendation what it looks like when powerfactory is working on a website?

Cassandra: Sure. So it depends, you know, the out of the box, visualisation of those recommendations can look like, you know, similar to if you’re visiting any blog, and they have, you know, check out these related blog posts at the bottom of the post, you can, you can insert those types of widgets into the website. And it just sort of populates those kinds of tiles or lists that you should see next, but it’s powered by that content intelligence. There’s also, you know, you can insert them across different web pages. Anywhere in the page, you can have something called Guide, which is basically just like a tooltip pop out that follows you around the website, and shows you what you should see next, or you can, the marketer can configure other things to show like, you know, what’s trending overall, what’s trending at your account, what’s trending in your industry, so that people might see things that are more relevant to them.

And increasingly, enterprise marketers want to totally customise that and just use our API to create their own visualisations. So, you know, for especially the enterprise companies that really want full control over how it looks and feels. And I think that this is the direction that all marketers are probably going to go in soon. They don’t want a widget, they just want something that looks completely baked into their website. And so that’s definitely feedback that like I and other customers of ours have given our product team over time that, hey, we can’t just like we’re never going to come up with the perfect widget that appeals to all marketers, so we just need to give them the power to insert that into their website, however, they want to make it look however they like.

Mike: It’s interesting is that I mean, people were very excited about personalization A few years ago, and now feels like almost the best practices to completely hide the fact that websites personalised and you just get the content you want, and don’t quite understand that you’re seeing something different to everybody else.

Cassandra: Exactly. Yeah. I think for so many years now. It’s been no Hi, first name or Hello company, like a lot of the website personalization that you see on b2b websites today is still that just like, okay, we’re gonna pop up the account name, and maybe the content below it will be personalised or maybe not. It’s kind of unclear. And we hope that people will just be impressed by seeing their own company name there. And I just think that people are not impressed by that they’re impressed by, you know, actually being helped and getting the right content at the right time to help them, you know, accelerate their buying decision. And so if you’re not doing that, you know, showing them their own company name just doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

Mike: Definitely. You talked earlier about needing a certain volume of data to be able to personalise to individuals. mean, how much data does powerfactory need before it starts to become effective?

Cassandra: Well, you know, the cool thing is, is that as soon as you put your content into path factory, it already has a lot of data about the content. And so that’s really the most important part. And so, you know, it could take a couple hours for for pass back through to, you know, ingest everything on your website and analyse it and that kind of stuff.

So you know, that that initial crawling can take a little while. But you know, really not. It’s not like it’s going to take weeks or anything. And basically, as soon as people start engaging with it, it makes decisions based on, you know, how it understands the different topics, and content types and the relationship between different content assets. And so you really don’t need to have a certain number of visitors necessarily, like, as soon as one person lands on the website, it’ll start personalising it for them. And, you know, really our overall. You know, overall data just gets better, the more people use it overall. But, like a lot of things, if, if marketers have to wait a long time for it to work, then that’s a problem. So it really just starts working right away.

Mike: Cool. I mean, you said like a minimum number of visitors that that makes sense. So anything like that you talk to customers about?

Cassandra: Yeah, no, we use it on our website. And I would say our website does not have a huge number of visitors each month, like we’re nowhere near the size of our enterprise customers, for example, who might have you know, hundreds of 1000s, or even millions of visits a day, you know, we’re more in the 1000s per day, and it works really well. So I’m not aware of any minimum number of visitors or things like that. Because my understanding is that the initial data really comes from analysing the content, and then, you know, the recommendations are just based on the engagement that comes after that.

Mike: Interesting. And, I mean, is it really the simple you don’t need anything else, you could literally point powerfactory at the website, and it would start working straightaway, or do you need to do anything to your website to make it work.

Cassandra: Um, so I think any website that has a lot of content on it is a great candidate for this type of thing. And this is more of our, our website side of things, a lot of our customers don’t use Packer on the website at all, they just keep us to their, their, their marketing campaigns, they use the non intelligent version of fat factory, which allows marketers to just like, arrange their content, however they like, you know, which is still totally useful. And marketers get a tonne of value out of it. But it’s not as exciting as the recommendations and the content intelligence side of things.

So yeah, like, I think some work that I’ve personally done on our website, for example, is we did not have a huge volume of content there, especially outside of the blog, we really had like a few product pages and a few customer story pages. And that was it. And so, you know, that means that you sometimes just see the same pages come up on the recommendations all the time, because there just aren’t that many things to recommend. So I’ve slowly been building out the number of pages on our website, but no, I think the the customers of ours that find our website tools, module, the most useful are the ones who have large websites.

But it’s not required necessarily. And I think most people forget how much content they actually do have on their website between blog posts, and press releases and product pages. And, you know, we are also working towards sort of marrying the two content pools between the content on your website and the content that lives anywhere else. And so that’s what I’m really excited for in terms of the next step of what will show up on our website.

Mike: And when you say by that, I mean, what sort of things will that be, we will be pointing to people to content that that’s PDF, so content that’s not on the website at all.

Cassandra: Yeah, so it could be PDFs, it could be videos that are embedded, it could be third party content that, you know, is just relevant, if you want to sort of show off, you know, customer reviews on review websites, or positive press or you know, all the different things that can cut the podcast, you could have podcasts, you’ve recorded with folks. And that can show up. And so you know, having all of those different assets in your content pool to recommend to people is hugely valuable.

Mike: That’s that sounds very exciting. You did say earlier, some people were not really using the smart parts of powerfactory. Is that because it’s difficult to use?

Cassandra: No, it’s just because it’s newer. So our business was built on the, what we call now the paint tools. And really, that’s the idea that marketers can build content tracks. And they can kind of curate the journey for for their visitors on any, any channel. And so there has always been a smarter version of that, that that is available to our customers that we call recommend. But it’s not quite as smart as the new version for the website. And so yeah, most of our customers have just always Use campaign tools. And in the last year, we’ve come out with the website option with this sort of really, really smart content intelligence stuff. And also our virtual event offering.

Mike: Interesting. I mean, presumably, you need to integrate with a number of different systems. You’ve talked about different data sources and things. I mean, integrations, are they a big part of what you need to do to make the product work?

Cassandra: Definitely, yes. You know, it’s definitely a red flag to us. If someone comes to your sales team and says, I don’t have a CRM, I don’t have a map, I really just have my website, like, you can use it, but it’s going to be more challenging, and you’re not going to be able to get as much value out of things. So, you know, we always say pad factory sits between, you know, all the different sort of systems of record you have, whatever your content repositories are, whether that’s your CMS, your website, your dam, your video tool.

There’s also you know, your ABM tools that again, success comes out of the box, but you might add, add additional success functionality, you might be a demand based customer instead, or Terminus customer, you can connect it to Salesforce, to show sales people content engagement data, right in Salesforce, of course, your marketing automation platform, you want to connect all those content assets to campaign to be able to measure them to power smarter nurture programmes do lead scoring based on content engagement.

There’s all kinds of really, really cool automation and measurement, and just smarter ways of doing things that workers are doing already, when you’re when you’re bringing that content engagement data into the mix. And so you definitely need to integrate it with some things. And the more sophisticated you get, the more powerful, you know, the use of the data and the ROI and all those things can become.

Mike: Either the off the shelf integrations, or does it require, you know, some sort of engineering to get things to talk to each other?

Cassandra: I don’t think it requires engineering. Again, I’m not, I’m not a marketing operations expert. So why understanding is that most of our customers get up and running in under a week, like that’s what GPU reviews say, you know, most of our customers start twice as fast as our closest competitor, one week versus two weeks. So I think that’s really, really fast to be able to get everything up and running. And you know, unless you, of course, things can sometimes get bogged down in larger enterprise organisations.

But you know, most of most of the integrations just use API keys, and then you can connect everything together that way, you know, sometimes you need to make changes around, you know, how are you going to incorporate the data into your lead scoring model, you obviously have to change your model. In order to do that, you might have to train your sales team on how to interpret the new data they’re seeing in Salesforce that they now have access to through hassle free for sales, you might have to set up new email alerts for your BDR team to jump on to fast moving buyers who are consuming a lot of content, like there’s lots of things that you can then set up. But the actual setup and integration process is really quite easy.

Mike: I think if if anyone’s talking about enterprise customers, and they’ve they’ve got a deployment onto a website in a week, then it must be easy, because normally it takes about a month to do anything on a large enterprise website.

Cassandra: Yeah, I mean, of course, you need to have buy in from everyone internally, and everyone can be on the same page in advance before you before you go, if you know if things are slow, it’s mostly because of herding cats, not necessarily because the integration is hard to cool.

Mike: Well, at least that’s one headache. Nobody has to worry about. You talk about it, obviously being targeted as a b2b tool, which makes sense. But are there particular industry verticals that get the most benefit out of powerfactory, or particular characteristics of customers that get the most value?

Cassandra: Yeah, so I think that most of our customers today are very high tech organisations, they tend to be selling, considered purchase b2b software that you know, has longer buying cycles, or at least, you know, goes maybe from a free trial into a more sophisticated product. You know, it’s not transactional stuff. It’s not trying to be e commerce or anything like that, you know, it requires usually a larger buying committee longer buying cycles, many pieces of content to get to that buying decision. And also, you know, making sure different people in the buying committee are getting the content and the information that’s relevant to them specifically in their role in the organisation.

And of course, in order for the company, the vendor to facilitate that marketers and salespeople and customer success managers, account managers need to have access to all of those insights on their end as well either, you know, to set up the right automation or to send the right personalised email outreach or to follow up with a customer at the right moment to upsell them. You know, there’s all of those different reasons why, why our customers might use half factory to get better results from their marketing And so yeah, there’s, there’s a lot of different elements that go into that I mentioned the technology piece, you know, having a sophisticated Mar tech stack is definitely a good indicator that someone could get value out of a factory, because they’re probably delivering content across so many channels already.

But if, if some things are missing, like, if you’re not doing ABM, or you’re not doing, you know, paid social advertisement or something like that, like, that’s fine, whenever your channels are that you’re using, if you’re an IF email is your big work workhorse as a channel, then that’s great. But if you’re more diversified, or no, you’re more into partners, like one of our biggest customer success stories is Cisco partner marketing, where they use path factory to deliver all their content to partners and understand, you know, what they’re doing. So they kind of have a totally different approach where, you know, they, most of their company revenue comes through these partners, and they need to educate their partners versus the end users of, of the solutions they’re selling. So you know, whatever that is, you can you can use path factory to deliver that content to the right audience, it doesn’t necessarily have to be the end customer, that’s actually buying the thing.

Mike: That I mean, that sounds brilliant, it sounds like the, the more complex the sale, and therefore the more touches you have, during that that sales process, the more impact per factory can have. Absolutely. Awesome. So with all these capabilities, I mean, does it make powerfactory an expensive tool? Is it is it something that is limited only to biggest enterprises, or, you know, how does the pricing work.

Cassandra: So the pricing is based on you know, which modules you buy, there’s, you know, sort of a menu of different functionality that you can get, and, you know, the, the market for curated solution is going to be less expensive than the more intelligent solution. And if you only have a marketing team of three people, that’s going to be a lot less expensive than an enterprise marketing team of 1000s, of marketers, for example. So, you know, it kind of depends which things you you add on, like, a lot of software companies know that that’s how the pricing is built, the thing I always say is, you know, you need to have a certain level of sophistication as a marketing team in order to take advantage of path factory, and so, you know, we’re not going to be great for or it’s just not going to be possible for like, a solo entrepreneur, Tobias, like, we’re not one of those, you know, free trial tools or freemium tools that people can just sort of like jump into, because it does require integration with all of those systems of record, and you do need that huge volume of content.

And those businesses are unlikely to have that. So, you know, our smallest customers, and some of them have been really successful with us are, you know, around 100 employees, I might only have a handful of marketers, but they’ve made the right marketing investments to make passpack very worthwhile. And then, you know, the other end of the spectrum, of course, is, you know, the Cisco’s. And the Adobe is in the oracles who know, have 1000s of users multiple business divisions, and you know, they’re, they’re paying on that sliding scale. So, you know, definitely, if you’re using a marketing automation platform in a CRM today, then path factory would be not as much as that, but in that ballpark.

Mike: Yeah, that sounds pretty interesting. It sounds like path factory can also really grow as an organisation grows from, you know, maybe 100, or a couple of 100 people up to becoming a large enterprise. So I think that that’s, that’s fascinating.

Cassandra: Yeah, I mean, often what our customers do is they will buy a certain module or a bundle of modules, but not the entire platform to get started to really prove the value, they might run, you know, a year long pilot to, you know, get things up and running, get used to everything, get it integrated as much as they can into, you know, their email nurture programmes, and that maybe their website and they can start to see the power of, of that content intelligence, that they get both from, you know, the analysis of their content library, but also, you know, just how that performs the engagement, all that kind of stuff, and then they start to build on from there. And I think, especially now that we have these really exciting sort of smarter website tools and that sort of stuff, people are going, Wow, that’s really interesting. I can create these journeys just automatically without having to think about it. Like that makes so much sense. Because doing that is hard. And it requires a lot of thinking, it requires a lot of understanding of, of what content you have in order to create those journeys manually. So I think as you grow, it just makes a lot of sense to to upgrade to that, to that new, smarter way of doing things.

Mike: Awesome. I mean, it feels like we’ve, we’ve barely scratched the surface of all the capabilities of powerfactory. But we’re coming to the end of our time. So I mean, is there anything else you feel we should have covered?

Cassandra: Not necessarily. I think I really appreciate having the opportunity to talk about path factory today. Hopefully people can tell that I’m really passionate about it. That’s why for over four years, and why I continue to be excited about what we’re doing. as a marketer, as I said at the top, it’s just so exciting to see where technology is going and how you know, content in particular can become even more important in, you know, in b2b marketing and the role of the buyers journey, I don’t think we’re going to see that, you know, scale back after the pandemic, and it’s just increased and accelerated faster and faster. We were already expecting large organisations in particular to sort of adapt and start to become more digital, and move to more digital experiences. But over the last year, it’s just kind of exploded as everyone frantically ran to figure that out, especially if they were more reliant on sales people or in person trade shows and that sort of stuff. And so it’s just been really interesting to see how quickly things can evolve based on world events, of course.

Mike: Yeah. I mean, if somebody is excited about powerfactory, or just feels, you know, they’ve got lots of questions about how it works, what’s the best way to find out more?

Cassandra: Yeah, is a great place to start, you can actually see our product in action across our website, which some people find really interesting. And you know, from there, we do you have regular, sort of like short demos, short live demos of different aspects of our product that our demand manager does each week. And, of course, you can always just go on and get a personalised demo, if you want to, there’s no more than more than more than one happy salesperson who would be willing to take a call. But yeah, I think that’s a great place to start. Just go to the website, we have a lot of great information there. And I’m also happy to chat with anybody if you don’t want to talk to a salesperson yet. You just want to speak Margarita marketer. I think myself and anyone else in our marketing team would be happy to do that.

Mike: Great. And what best way to contact you through LinkedIn or?

Cassandra: Yeah, you can reach me on LinkedIn. Just search for Cassandra Jo and I should be pretty fundable or my email address is Cassandra at path.

Mike: Nice Well, Cassandra, it’s been fascinating. I mean, I think I could have talked for hours about powerfactory. We, I’d love to ask about all the details. But I really appreciate your time. Thank you so much for coming on. Thank you for having me. Thank you.

Mike: Thanks so much for listening to marketing b2b tech. We hope you enjoyed the episode. And if you did, please make sure you subscribe on iTunes, or on your favorite podcast application. If you’d like to know more, please visit our website at Napier b2b dot com or contact me directly on LinkedIn.
