“The State of Inbound 2015”, a report by HubSpot, reveals the most successful marketing practices in over 150 countries based on a survey of 4000 respondents. Europe stood far behind the USA a couple of years ago, but now stands right next to North America in terms of inbound marketing strategies and tactics. According to “The State of Inbound 2015”, 36% of European marketers have seen greater ROI through the use of inbound marketing techniques.

HubSpot’s report reveals that American marketers are keen on generating demand and sales, while European marketers are more focused on loyalty and relationship marketing.

According to the State of Inbound report 2015, although European marketers are thriving, they still need to improve upon the three key related to inbound marketing.

Service Level Agreement: Implementing marketing-sales service level agreement can help to bring a higher Return on Investment (ROI).

The State of Inbound 2015 report says, “Our survey showed that a formal SLA between sales and marketing departments leads to increased budget and increased ROI. However, only between 30% and 40% of respondents in each region, we polled indicated their organization has one.”

Improving the alignment of marketing and sales team not only enhances the efficacy of ‘lead to customer lifecycle’, but also helps your company to benefit from it.

Tracking the marketing Return on Investment using an automated marketing platform: It has been found that the marketers who implemented automated marketing platform have been successful in drawing the maximum return on investment (ROI) with the least diminution in ROI value. A good automated platform can readily take care of social media scheduling, audience segmentation, emailing and lastly, everything.

North America leads in ROI tracking as the State of Inbound report conveys. It is also found that marketers in North America rely mostly on ROI tracking tools.

Keeping a frequent track of ROI: The report says that the Americans more often keep a track of the ROI and monitor it at regular intervals. A matured inbound marketer should prefer to give priority to the performance of the marketing campaigns.

The European marketers should use the conclusions of the State of Inbound 2015 Report to grow their businesses in the coming year by:

  • Implementing sales and marketing SLA to attain increased ROI
  • Using automated platform to track their ROI
  • Observing the marketing results carefully to speed up the rate of growing return on investment (ROI).

Inbound Marketing strategies can be extremely useful to grow a business when applied with the proper strategies and with the help of proper marketing tools you can easily achieve your marketing goals.



  • Mike Maynard

    In 2001 Mike acquired Napier with Suzy Kenyon. Since that time he has directed major PR and marketing programmes for a wide range of technology clients. He is actively involved in developing the PR and marketing industries, and is Chair of the PRCA B2B Group, and lectures in PR at Southampton Solent University. Mike offers a unique blend of technical and marketing expertise, and was awarded a Masters Degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Surrey and an MBA from Kingston University.

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