Over time, LinkedIn has become an essential personal branding tool for B2B companies, but as popularity of the site has grown with over 467 million users, B2B marketers are having to work harder than ever to make sure they stand out from the crowd.

We’ve put together 5 important tactics to help the B2B Marketers out there achieve real success on LinkedIn:

  • Turn your company page into a lead generation page
    Your company LinkedIn page is a pipeline for LinkedIn leads to visit your company website, and as such it is vital that your LinkedIn page promotes links to your company website. Posting links to blogs or content offer landing pages with a clear CTA, is a great and simple way to guide potential leads to your website.
  • Spotlight your company with a showcase page
    A showcase page on is an extension of your LinkedIn company page, which allows a company to promote specific products or market to a specific buyer persona. A showcase page is designed to expand your LinkedIn reach, and be able to create a particular message for one aspect on your business, whilst targeting a small and specialised segment of your audience.
  • Make sure you update LinkedIn with Long-Form Posts
    On LinkedIn, there are two choices you can make when deciding to post on your company page. These include short-form and long-form posts. Although both are incredibly important to your LinkedIn page, studies have shown that long-form content is better for search engine ranking, social sharing and backlinks.
  • Optimise your LinkedIn Newsfeed
    To make sure your company page stands out from the crowd, it is vital that you optimise your newsfeed on LinkedIn. This can be achieved through regularly posting relevant and quality content (This can include sharing content from other writers). If you offer your target audience something they believe is of interest and value, they are bound to keep coming back from more. It is also essential to use pictures! Whether this is your logo, product photos or employees hard at work, pictures allow you to tell an inside story of your company.
  • Use LinkedIn SlideShare
    LinkedIn SlideShare presentations are a great resource which you can embed directly into your company page updates, even including video. This allows you to give your audience the information they need in an attention-grabbing, visual format, whilst also giving you a SEO advantage. It gives marketers the opportunity to repurpose existing content and communicate this information in a more compelling way.


  • Hannah Wehrly

    Hannah’s role will include supporting the team in a variety of areas including lead nurturing, email marketing and content writing. Hannah is extremely enthusiastic and is keen to expand her knowledge, whilst gaining valuable insight into the B2B Technology sector.

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