At Napier, we know that ROI is often a marketer’s top priority, and when creating a campaign, it is one of the most important outcomes to calculate. This is why we have built Napier’s very own ROI calculator that allows you to calculate the potential increase in profit and ROI for a campaign where you can estimate its impact on the sales funnel.

How it Works in 3 Simple Steps:

  • You fill in your current website visitors per annum, and increase or decrease your current conversions to calculate how many MQLS, SQLS and Customers you generate yearly.

Napier ROI calculator - Entering Current Data

  • Fill in your target performance numbers, estimated revenue per customer and your marketing budget invested for this campaign.

RoI Calculator Target Performance


RoI Calculator revenue and campaign investment

  • Press Calculate and let our calculator work out your potential increase in profit and ROI for your campaign.

RoI Calculator Results


Click here to try out our calculator for yourself, and why not get in touch and let us know what you think.


  • Hannah Wehrly

    Hannah’s role will include supporting the team in a variety of areas including lead nurturing, email marketing and content writing. Hannah is extremely enthusiastic and is keen to expand her knowledge, whilst gaining valuable insight into the B2B Technology sector.

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