LinkedIn launches conversion tracking

LinkedIn has introduced their first conversion tracking tool for sponsored content and text ads. The feature allows marketers to determine if a user converted after clicking or viewing an ad on LinkedIn, whilst also helping marketers identify factors influencing ROI. LinkedIn overhauled most of its marketing infrastructure and product strategy to lay the groundwork, in order to support further…

Poor visibility costs digital advertisers in the UK £154 million

For the second consecutive quarter, less than half of online ads served in the UK have met minimum viewability thresholds, costing advertisers a massive £154 million. Only 49% of UK Ad’s met the IAB and Media Council’s recommendation that 50% of the ad was in view for at least one second (and this is a pretty low threshold!). This is a slight improvement from 47% in the second quarter of 2016,…

Survey shows B2B and B2C social media are less different than you’d expect

American agency Clutch conducted an interesting survey that shows a remarkable similarity between the social media channels used by B2B and B2C marketers. The graph below shows the number of marketers using each of the main social media channels in their campaigns: The differences between the two disciplines are remarkably small, and even LinkedIn has less than a 10% difference in adoption…

What the HTML? Our marketing specialist Fiona lifts the lid on learning to code…

Before working at Napier, seeing the back end of a website or a broken email with all the code showing, was like getting a glimpse into a world of mystery and intrigue that only a select, brainy few had any knowledge of. It made me think of glasses wearing, Star Wars T-Shirt clad, IT… to put it frankly… geeks. I didn’t understand it. My friend used to blog a lot, she used some basic code to jazz…

What does HubSpot’s ‘State of Inbound 2016’ report tell B2B marketers?

As proud partners of HubSpot, we eagerly awaited their eighth annual State of Inbound Report, presenting the trends and growth of inbound marketing. We weren’t disappointed as we delved into HubSpot’s report, discovering the state of inbound marketing in 2016 and HubSpot’s predictions for the future of inbound marketing. 74% of marketers surveyed recognised the importance of converting leads…

Google announces changes to the AdWords ad format

New AdWords Format Google is changing text ads which will give advertisers more copy to play with. The new changes come after the ads from the right side disappeared from the search engine result page, earlier this year, in order to create continuity between desktop and mobile. Without a side bar, Google has more space to streamline text ads between devices. Up until now AdWords text ads have…

Aspencore research shows the content that will get engineers to provide contact details

Aspencore's annual Supplier Interface Study is an important piece of research that provides insight into what drives the decisions their readers and subscribers - i.e. the electronics design industry. The results, as always, provide some great insights for marketing professionals in the electronics industry, and as an agency that believes in using research to make data-driven decisions, we've…

You’ve Won The Customer – Is Your Job as a Marketer Done?

Your hard work has paid off and your marketing efforts have won you business but now is most definitely not the time to take your foot off the gas. Many companies use retention strategies as each customer represents an opportunity to make a customer loyal for life. If this sounds a lot like hard work then you’d be wrong – here’s some simple tips on why marketing to your existing customers is so…

My life as Napier’s latest Intern

When trying to find a summer placement, the first thing you have to ask yourself is what can you learn from it?  You want to be inspired, to learn how the real working world operates outside of university. A summer placement, especially at a marketing agency, allows you to begin to apply the skills you have been taught in class, to real life situations. This was one of the many reasons I chose to…

AMEC launches new PR measurement framework

If you could identify the perfect way to measure the value of PR, you'd be rich and famous. There have been lots of attempts, and personally I liked the Valid Metrics Matrix (VMM) that was created a few years ago by the International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC). I've taught it to many students in my role as a lecturer in digital PR, and I believe that if…

Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing Today there is a fundamental mismatch between the way in which companies market themselves and the way prospects look for information about a product or service they need. Interruption marketing, where you fight for a prospect's attention with intrusive advertising, is a thing of the past in a world where it's easy to search for information whenever it is needed.…

A new website for Napier in just 4 days!

When you're designing a new website, whether a client or an agency, you want to see results quickly. Despite this urgency, website projects seem to drag on forever, with sites often being delivered weeks or months late. At Napier we've done pretty well at hitting our deadlines for past projects, but the average website redesign still takes several weeks and the process is so painful that often…

Content Marketing Made Easy

Content marketing is all the rage and the web is full of tips and tricks but it’s not just a fashionable marketing trend – if done correctly, it is a strategic approach that can attract and importantly engage a clearly defined audience that will drive leads and prospects through the sales funnel much faster than other strategies.     The secret to generating content As…

Our Approach

Our Approach To succeed in the rapidly-changing business-to-business environment needs a new approach. Speed, flexibility and continuous improvement are critical elements of successful campaigns. Napier helps clients gain a sustainable sales advantage by converting awareness to opportunity more quickly and effectively. Our unique four-step approach allows us to rapidly deliver measurable…

Is there still a place for traditional PR?

In the digital age, it’s understandable to ask, "Is there still a place for traditional PR?"… and the answer? Undoubtedly yes - traditional PR most definitely has its place. You might think we’re biased as a B2B Marketing and PR agency but we see the value in traditional methods through the results of our campaigns that ultimately translates into a European sales advantage for our clients.…

Test Equipment Lead Generation Campaign

Client: Anritsu Activities: Napier helped Anritsu create technical webinars on relevant topics, supporting the content generation process to ensure the webinar was as engaging as possible. We then worked with publishers to host and attract attendees to the online events. In addition to webinars, we also ran lead generation campaigns using white papers as content to drive registration.…

Inbound Marketing: Europe is Catching Up with America

"The State of Inbound 2015”, a report by HubSpot, reveals the most successful marketing practices in over 150 countries based on a survey of 4000 respondents. Europe stood far behind the USA a couple of years ago, but now stands right next to North America in terms of inbound marketing strategies and tactics. According to “The State of Inbound 2015”, 36% of European marketers have seen greater…

Unbounce vs Hubspot

Having read our previous posts, Three Reasons Why You Need to Be Using Landing Pages, The Anatomy of a Landing Page – Best Practises for Creating Successful Landing Pages  and Three Key Elements to Creating A Successful Landing Page Form you’ll be keen to get started and create some landing pages. There is a common misconception that creating landing pages is expensive, time consuming and…

Facebook Social Media Report – A Study by Napier on B2B Facebook Marketing

Over 65% of businesses in the B2B technology sector think that Social Media is important to their campaigns according to our tech marketing survey earlier this year. Social marketing is more popular than ever but each channel has its own features and benefits and understanding these is key to making sure that your social strategy will achieve your objectives. So businesses can understand the…

Lead Generation with Landing Pages

Client: LEM Overview: Napier developed a text only email campaign sent to a highly targeted contact list. The aim of this lead generation campaign was to drive recipients to a landing page specifically designed to prompt registrations for information on a new product launch. Napier worked with LEM to ensure the email content was compelling and the content offer on landing page was of the…

Three Reasons Why You Need to Be Using Landing Pages

Landing pages are a great tool for any marketing manager, so it is surprising to learn from MarketingSherpa’s landing page handbook that 44% of clicks for B2B companies are directed to the business’ homepage and not a dedicated landing page. Marketers feel the pressure to provide their sales team with leads and a good landing page can convert 20% of visitors in to leads, whereas home pages…

Understanding the Fundamentals of the Best Inbound Marketing Practices

Entrepreneurs and business leaders have realised that inbound marketing is the most effective way to attract potential customers. It is more relied upon than traditional advertising methods. In the current scenario, business leaders need to understand the fundamentals of the best inbound marketing practices to build brand recognition and increase customer loyalty. HubSpot’s seventh annual State…

Google ditches Flash

Recently Google has announced that they will be converting any display network ad from Flash into HTML5. From June 30th, 2016 AdWords and DoubleClick will no longer accept ads built in Flash and they will completely stop running from the beginning of 2017. However, Google seems to be helpful in the transition and is assisting advertisers with Swiffy – a Flash to HTML5 converter. Why is this…

Three Top Tips for Generating Leads Through Social Media

With marketing managers often under pressure to help generate leads for the sales team and raise awareness of the company brand, social media is a great tool at your disposal. But just how effective is it? It’s true that in the B2B technology sector, the use of social media is lower than in many other industries. We undertook a comprehensive survey and followed this up with a subsequent…

The Biggest European PR Mistakes US Brands Make

Let’s get straight to it. Europe consists of 51 countries and 23 official languages (not to mention the additional 60 unofficial languages), many cultural differences and various time-zones. With this in mind, anything other than a tailored European approach will only lead you down one road; failure. The fact is an effective pan-European PR strategy can most definitely be achieved. At Napier, we…